Maitland River Lights festival Adress : St Andrews Street, Maintland. NSW Strat at 4:45pm, Main Stage More Info....Click here
The cream of Australiaís culturally diverse musicians unite to present the Three Sides of Love and Death, a Symphony of musical and spiritual collaboration led by Richard Petkovic and features Asim Gorashi (Sudan), Shohrat Tursun (East Turkistan), Yaw Derkyi (Ghana), Bukhu Ganburged (Mongolia) and Mustafa Karami (Iran). The 14 piece Sydney World Music Chamber Orchestra […]
7pm Thursday 28th August HORSE&WOOD ( John Robinson and Bukhu Ganburged ) at Hotel Blue,Katoomba $25/$20. Only 50 seats Book here....
Bukhu & Kalàscima: Original Sound From South Of Italy! performed in Italy on 13 th August @ La Notte della Taranta 2014 for around 2500 audience